
Showing posts from June, 2020

Uplifting experience

I stopped during my ride to watch a truck driver unloading some lumber for a new dwelling construction at the Copper Rock golf course development. I thought it was an uplifting experience, which was the kind of gag that Spike Milligan (1918-2002) might have written. I recalled an appropriate gag that Milligan did write: " We can't stand around here doing nothing. People will think we're workmen. " (Neddy Seagoon, Goon Show s9 e04, 1959). Who knew that it was antonymic paraphrase that made the statement into a joke?

Morning after the night before

Strong overnight winds had blown down a few tree branches and signs. It was still breezy as I rode out on the midsummer morn and it was certainly very invigorating. Later, during my post-ride routine, I found three tiny thorns sticking in my front tire. I checked online for antonyms to ' invigorating '. I chose ' pestilential ' as the most fitting for my prickly experience.

Catchup post

I neglected this blog for a month; however, I continued bicycling and taking photographs on days when those two things were possible. I thought I would do this catchup post using the photos I included with the rides I posted on Strava from 27 May to 17 June. The headline photo, which was taken yesterday, is significant because it shows the second crop of feed growing for 2020.

Paradas frecuentes

In Spanish at least, my mode of progress on my ride today sounds almost praiseworthy. No offense intended. Checking the next link would make you think that 'British practices ' was a more accurate term. I think I am allowed to say that without any blowback.

Murky mountains

The murk looks like smoke from the reported wildfires named Path Rock, Antelope, and Magnum. The air quality on my ride did not seem untoward and I had no breathing problems.

Earlier starts

The hot weather has arrived and when the temperature climb to over 90°F (32.2°C) by mid-morning it's too hot for me to be out riding my bicycle. The headline photo is the sunset from last night, so don't be thinking I am a pre-dawn rider. Starting at 07:00 and arriving back home around 09:00 works well enough for me. It seems that even people who grew up in this climate are avoiding the afternoons when it has been as high as 105°F (40.6°C). Generally, it has been cooler than normal so far this year. The record high for this location is 115°F (46.1°C), so I am hoping that the present weather trend continues.