iRide.2020.01.13 Backwards bicycle

I had been hoping to meet up with David when he was riding his favorite bicycle. It's an earlier Cruzbike model, a Silvio. He was heading north down the hill as I was heading south up the hill to Sand Hollow Top. He turned and we road to the crest for a natter. With frontwheel-drive and -steering, the recumbent Cruzbike is an interesting alternative to the more conventional diamond-framed, upright, rearwheel-drive safety bicyle that has changed little since its development in the late nineteenth century.

Up at Copper Rock the development continues. There are now two framed structures and it looked as though the contractors were beginning to apply some type of covering. On my way back through the cultivated area, I noticed a cloud of dust hanging in the still evening air. An variety of contractors plant, including what may be a ground testing rig, had assembled on one of the fields. Change is the only constant.

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