iRide.2020.01.18 Doublecheck

My heart fell. I took a three-day layup and behind my back there was a move to change the use designation of the lands through which I so much enjoy riding. My dismay is rooted in impurely personal and selfish soil: I am sure the city fathers will weigh all the interests at play—individual, communal, commercial, and environmental—before coming to a fair, unbiased, and equitable decision without fear or favor.

I was out for a short ride to double-check my knee function after recent pharmaceutical therapy and a first-check walk earlier today in the forenoon. Everything seemed to be contributing to my hunkey-story, but I was careful not to exceed half power. As I came to a kerb-stop at the end of my ride, the sun did an 'Excuse me while I kiss the earth' maneuver with which I was heartily in agreement.

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