iRide.2020.01.26 Testride

Thursday afternoon, Friday, and Saturday were a second medical furlough following another round of maintenance work by my doctors. Sunday was test ride day to see if the affected parts had been returned to working condition. I am pleased to report that the trials were successful. I rode on some of my normal roads and walked some unpaved terrain to check that rougher usage would be comfortable. I even rode up one of the steeper cart trackways at the golf course to check that operation under full load would not be an issue.

The day was mild and calm. I rode in shorts and a light wind jacket, but carried a rain jacket just in case. As I arrived back to base a few spots of rain fell. Later, after dark, proper rain began to fall gently. I am not allowing myself to be misled by the continuing good weather.

The forecast for the week ahead looks good. Der mentsh trakht un Got lakht, as the Yiddish saying goes (Man plans and God laughs). Yesterday was the 261st anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, so perhaps it would be more appropriate to remember two lines from his poem To a Mouse, written in 1785: The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley.

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