iRide.2020.01.31 Waterhenge

My previous day out on the bicycle was last Monday and so by today, Friday, I was beginning to fret. The forecast came good and the wind slackened. The sun shone and the temperature reached the high-fifties Fahrenheit, which for the last day of January allowed for it to be a shorts and wind-jacket day. The outbound ride towards Sand Hollow was a delight with two hawks playing tag with one another, although I was only able to take photos of one of them.

The crouch by the hawk on the top of the utility pole was in response to the other hawk dive-bombing at high speed. I suspect that what I was seeing might have been mating behavior. Immediately after the flypast, the perching hawk took off and the pair retreated to a discreet distance.

Up at the Copper Rock golf development the entrance feature has been brought into commission and its final form revealed: it's a waterhenge, a cross between a rock structure and a water feature. On the boulder wall to the west of the roundabout (on the center of which stands the waterhenge) the name 'Copper Rock' is being mounted in large letters. It looks as though it might be visually quite subdued, but as it is unfinished it's too soon to be sure.

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