iWalk.2020.01.18 Comeback

I took my rejuvenated right knee out for a stroll. I have had a three day layup, so it's uncertain if the comfort I experienced today was from the rest or the cortisone injection. Either way, the relief was welcome and I hope it lasts. If it does then my sincere thanks my doctor and to Big Pharma!

I passed that slowcoach tortoise/turtle/terrapin (the differentiation is regional/linguistic rather than scientific/taxonomic) on my walk, which cheered me up no end. Clearly (s)he was unmoved by my performance and remained immobile until I returned by the same route. The town was remarkably quiet for a Saturday morning.

Even after living here for almost nineteen years, much of the visual landscape and urban-scape still has the shock of the new for me. Tractors with parasols? Minimally-clad drummers (probably local) with horned helmets? Metal sunflower vendors (ask to see the range of dinosaurs)? From a cultural perspective, I may never recover.

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