iRide.2020.02.17 Refresher

I took yesterday off from exercising, which was intended to be therapeutic renewal and refreshment. It was a good plan with a mediocre outcome. Mostly I think that a day off is a wasted day if the weather is fine. On Saturday evening we had a spectacular sunset and on Sunday I fretted in the house when I could have been riding. Today, Monday, was warm and sunny with some real refreshment in the form of an exhilarating breeze from the northwest. The big skies continued to drift overhead.

The sky panorama in the first collage photo has a little fish-eye effect, but I think that is mostly an optical illusion because of the virtual extreme wide-angle view (it is made up of eight portrait-format images) and the arrangement of the clouds. The featured photo is a straightforward single shot with a wide-angle lens. I try not to dwell on such issues although I would like to experiment more thoroughly and in a less haphazard way.

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