iRide.2020.02.18 Tenderknee

After performing a stress test on my knees in the morning, by the afternoon I was hesitant about bicycle riding. I set off with the intention of awarding myself a DNF (did not finish) if there was any pain. My low-impact pedaling in even lower gears was comfortable and I went the full distance around my usual route. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for any soreness to develop fully, so tomorrow or the next day will probably be when the outcome becomes clear.

Other than my tremulous self-obsession with my physical condition, it was a fine ride. The Parade of Homes event continues and there were quite a few out-of-state license plates to be seen. The most common of these were vehicles from Wyoming, the state that nibbled away the top corner of Utah like a rectilinear mouse with a piece of cheese. First prize for furthest distance traveled went to a vehicle from Florida.

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