iRide.2020.02.20 Gablestar

Today was a rerun of yesterday, but with much more manageable winds. On the outbound leg, in shirt and shorts, I was overheating, so I pulled over to increase my ventilation, no bull. The actual bull watched me with concentrated disinterest. On the homeward leg, I stopped again at the same place as yesterday. The tree that had the hawk in it yesterday was today populated with small birds that were tweeting more sweetly than some people do. 

I reshot the same view as yestereday when the wind caused camera-shake to blur the image. This time the camera strap obstructed the lens, although I managed to salvage most of the frame. Anyone would think I was new to this game.

Earlier, I had seen a magnificent wall-decoration in the form of a star. I was unable to get close enough for a usable photo, but will revisit when I am carrying the DSLR, which has long focal length zoom lens. As I ended my ride, I noticed that the star on a nearby gable was now in direct sunlight at that particular time of day. The year is moving on apace.

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