iRide.2020.04.28 Shortchanged

I rode with a purpose today. I was trying to reconnoître a new route based on my original route that has been curtailed by some road closures. An unspecified data-recording misfire meant that I will have to do it all over again, which is actually the point anyway!

Children and wet concrete is a pairing that is as enduring as salt and pepper, fish and chips, and knives and forks. I imagine that the children from the neighborhood where I took the five photos of a protective concrete surround for a water pipe fixture must have had enormous fun on the day they memorialized themselves for posterity. The date that was scratched into the surface of the wet concrete is 16 Mar. 2019. The size of the handprints suggests that posterity will have to wait awhile, but that will probably seem qucikcer to the parents than it does to the children.

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