Kvetching raptor

Tuesday ride: Before it was fully light, I passed a pair of hawks sitting quietly atop a utility pole. Later, I passed a pair in full sunlight and they were having what seemed like a domestic dispute. Forgive me if I have anthropomorphized inappropriately. The hawk on the left in the headline photo was vocalizing loudly at the one on the right, who seemed unmoved except to recoil when the kvetcher flounced off to the next pole in line. I hope they made it up.

My pre-sunup photos look better than I expected. Taking multiple images across a range of three EVs (exposure values) would allow me to make a composite photo that gave the correct exposure to both the sky and the foreground. Combining photography and bicycling has its limitations. I am not ready to spend more time and use a tripod, so for the time being it's a matter of accepting less of one in the pursuit of more of the other.

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